A Proven Leader
The Definitive Woman magazine has built a strong brand identity as the leading women’s voice in West Central Minnesota. We publish vibrant editorials that cover the latest in home, health, style and DIY articles for our loyal audience. This engagement has led industry-leading advertisers to value the exposure of the Definitive Woman magazine.
Five key drivers behind women’s surging economic power*
• Educational Attainment: Women currently earn the
majority of bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and
doctoral degrees.
• Labor Force Participation: 70% of women with children
under the age of 18 participate in the labor force.
• Breadwinner Status: Women are the primary or only
breadwinners in 40% of U.S. households with kids under 18.
• Management and Professional Positions: Women hold
slightly more than half of all management, professional
and related occupations.
• Wealth: Women control 51% of wealth.
We invite you to advertise with us. Call Linda to learn more.
*Find out more, visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/bridgetbrennan/2017/01/31/why-has-womens-economic-power-surged-five-stats-you-need-to-know/#47bc549e9562